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Applications Now Open for Chair Position with RDA Wheatbelt

This position is a Ministerial appointment that will be vacant, with the term to commence on 1 April 2025. The RDA Committee Chair has overall responsibility for setting strategic direction and ensuring that objectives and outcomes of their RDA Committee are achieved. They appoint the Deputy Chair (following Ministerial agreement) and the members. The Chair […]

Successful Application for Ellenbrook Study Hub

Ellenbrook Study Hub Approved: A Major Step Towards Accessible Tertiary Education The City of Swan and Regional Development Australia Wheatbelt (RDA Wheatbelt) are delighted to announce the approval of the Ellenbrook Study Hub, set to open in 2025. This exciting initiative, funded under the Australian Government’s Suburban University Study Hubs program – a key recommendation […]

RDA Wheatbelt ‘Female Social & Economic Contribution to the Wheatbelt’

RDA Wheatbelt have completed a comparative analysis of female data in the Wheatbelt Region to examine the extent of the social and economic contribution females make to the region, sub regions and shires. The analysis also considered changes in contributions from females between 2011 and 2021. The aim was also to illustrate potential needs in […]

Wheatbelt Local Government data snapshot

RDA Wheatbelt has completed a collation of data extracted from ABS, Remplan and other sources on population, economy, migration and accommodation, to assist Wheatbelt Local Governments with strategic planning. The information has been prepared as whole of Wheatbelt, Sub-regional and for each of the 42 LGs. This information may also be of benefit to those […]

The Need for Reform – Aged Care Submission

The Need for Reform – Aged Care Submission RDA Wheatbelt – The Need for Reform: Aged Care in the Wheatbelt Region. Download the full report Since 2012, the Wheatbelt region in Western Australia has been working to develop innovative models that enable older people to remain in their communities across regional WA.Addressing current and impending […]

Ever wonder how RDA Wheatbelt can help you?

Ever wonder how RDA Wheatbelt can help you? Connecting people with people, opportunities with solutions, ideas with implementation. Download our new brochure on “Progressing, Achieving, Together – We are your partners in regional development” The Wheatbelt, in all its diversified faces, is the authentic heart and backbone of Western Australia and RDA Wheatbelt is dedicated to […]