(08) 9575 1888
Phone RDA Wheatbelt
Phone RDA Wheatbelt
Regional University Study Hubs help students in regional and remote areas access higher education without having to leave their community. They provide in person student support and campus-style facilities for students who study online.
The Wheatbelt region is unique in that there is not one central location in which one centre can be established that provides equitable access to all students across the region.
The Wheatbelt model is an overarching virtual campus with co-working study hub spaces to support diversity, equity of access and participation of students with improved student outcomes. Four study hubs have been established in Narrogin, Wongan Hills, Merredin and York.
Each hub has dedicated study areas with computers and printer, access to meeting rooms and kitchenette facilities. Student Support Officers are employed to provide in person support.
ANYONE from ANY Australian University or TAFE studying under graduate and post graduate courses or Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses are eligible to access these free services.
To register your interest in using a Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University Study Hub please follow this link here.
Go to www.lumenwruc.edu.au
RDA Wheatbelt acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Country that we live and work on, the Ballardong, Gubrun, Kalamaia, Njaki-Njaki, Whadjuk, Wilman and Yued People of the Noongar Nation, their Elders past, present and emerging.
Local people creating local opportunities