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About RDA Wheatbelt

The RDA Network

Regional Development Australia (RDA) is a national network of 50 committees across Australia’s capital cities and regions, including the Indian Ocean Territories, Norfolk Island and Jervis Bay Territory.

RDA Committees are strong advocates for their region and drivers of change and, as such, have a pivotal role in fostering regional economic development.

The RDA network strengthens partnership across all three tiers of government, regional business and the wider community to boost the economic capability and performance of regions. RDA Committees are active in promoting Australian Government programs and shepherding communities towards appropriate funding sources that will assist projects that work towards economic development.

Role of RDA Wheatbelt

The vision for our organisation is to actively shape the future of the Wheatbelt Region.

To realise this vision, we commit to our mission of collaborating across communities, advocating with key decision makers and harnessing innovation to create local opportunity, growth and impact.

And we do this because our purpose is to be the Wheatbelt’s local voice to Federal Government to facilitate social and economic development.

The RDA Charter – 

RDAs play a role in helping to drive economic growth, innovation and entrepreneurship in regions through facilitating investment in community, industry and the environment.

RDAs assist to bridge the regional development gaps in regions by working with a broad range of stakeholders across sectors and supporting the delivery of identified Australian Government strategic priorities.

As representatives of their local communities, RDAs will:

– focus their activities and strategy on delivery of the Regional Investment Framework (RIF) in their region, including investment in people, places, services, and industries and local economies. (See the RIF diagram)

– support regional stakeholders, including local government and the not-for-profit-sector, to seek grant opportunities that advance strategic regional priorities

– support decarbonisation efforts and the transformation to a net zero economy and enable regional linkages between sectors to achieve these aims

– build the evidence for economic development, including innovation and diversification strategies

– facilitate meaningful engagement across the three levels of government to ensure investments deliver better outcomes for regions, and

– contribute relevant data and local intelligence to support the evidence base to inform regional
development strategies, program design and policy responses.

RDAs use their local, cross-sector expertise and regional voice to:

–   collaborate with integrity, transparency, respect and accountability

–   engage with diverse communities, especially First Nations people

–   support the Government’s ambition of ‘no one held back and no one left behind’, and

–   support gender equality opportunities in their regions.

Our stakeholders include:

  • The 42 Local Government Authorities that make up the Wheatbelt region.
  • The Wheatbelt Development Commission (WDC) – a statutory authority charged with the role of implementing the State’s Regional Development Policy.
  • Local community members and community groups.
  • The 41 Wheatbelt Community Resource Network Centres and Network.
  • WA Local Government Association – Three zones Great Eastern Country, Avon-Midland Country and Central Country. 
  • Regional Organisation of Councils (ROC) – Seven active groups.
  • The Wheatbelt Business Network (WBN).
  • Local industry groups (such as Wheatbelt Grower Groups).
  • State and Federal government agencies and departments.

Regional Priorities


contains the update on regional priorities.


identifies the RDA Wheatbelt activities.

RDA Wheatbelt Committee

The committee of RDA Wheatbelt is comprised of nine volunteer members drawn from community, business, government and not-for-profit organisations across the region. The Chairman is appointed by the Minister for Regional Development.

Our committee members have a broad and diverse skills base and bring leadership and experiences from across our region.

Terry Waldron

Mr Terry Waldron
Position: Chair

Qualification & Experience

  • Chair, Central Eastern Accommodation Care Alliance
  • Chair, Rural Health West
  • Chair, WA sports star of the year award
  • Former Chair, WA Cricket Association
  • Former Member of State Parliament for 16 years
  • 6.5 years Minister for Sport & Recreation, Racing, Gaming & Liquor
  • Former General Manager WA Country Football League
  • Former Secretary Australian Country Football Council
  • Former Real Estate Business Owner/Director Gt Southern & Wheatbelt South
K Strange

Mrs Karen Strange
Bruce Rock
Position: Deputy Chair 

Qualification & Experience

  • Grain and Livestock Producer in Bruce Rock
  • Wheatbelt & Beyond Youth Mentoring (WBYM)- co-founder and Co Program Director
  • Wheatbelt Youth Council Committee Member
  • Deputy Chair, Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University Centre Reference Group
  • 2011 – current Community Liaison- Bruce Rock DHS
  • Former Board Member of WA Women’s Advisory Council
Councillor Aspinall

Mr Michael Aspinall
Position: Committee Member

Qualification & Experience

  • Chair Keep Australia Beautiful Council
  • Former Board member Keep Australia Beautiful National Body
  • President Wanneroo Agricultural Society Inc
  • Former Shire of Gingin, Councillor (13 years) and President
  • Former member of WALGA’s Municipal Waste Advisory Council (13 years)
  • Former member of the Control of Vehicles (off-road Areas) Act Advisory Committee
  • 28 years in a variety of roles, for an engine and fuel injection research and development company
Lyn Baker

Mrs Lynette Baker
Position: Committee Member

Qualification & Experience

  • Partner and part time worker in farming enterprise
  • Past Shire President 10 years, Councillor 16 years 
  • Honorary Freeman, Shire of Corrigin
  • Past Board Director Rural Health West, 6 years.
  • Member, Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Past member, working group Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network
  • Special interest in rural health
Wendy Newman

Ms Wendy Newman
Position: Committee Member

Qualification & Experience

  • Chair, Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University Centre Reference Group
  • Deputy Chair, WA Country Health Service
  • Deputy Chair, Regional Early Education Development Inc (REED)
  • Deputy Chair, Directions Workforce Solutions Inc
  • Principal Consultant, Quintessence Consulting
  • Member, Dowerin Events Management
  • Member, Women on Boards
  • Graduate, Australian Institute of Company Directors
  • Member, Australian Council Health Service Managers
  • Member, RRR Network
  • Member, Wheatbelt Business Network  
Steve Gollan

Mr Stephen Gollan
Position: Committee Member

Qualification & Experience

  • CEO Shire of Beverley
  • 41 years experience in local gov’t across Beverley, Wickepin and Gnowangerup
  • Deputy Chair WA Country Cricket Board
  • Committee Member WA Veteran’s Over 50s
  • Secretary/treasurer Beverley Golf Club

Mrs Katrina Crute
Position: Committee Member

Qualification & Experience

  • Shire of Brookton Councillor 2009 to present
  • Shire President Shire of Brookton 2017 to present
  • 30 years working in the agricultural transport sector
  • Small business owner 2003 to present
  • Community volunteer
  • Diploma in local government (elected Member) 2013
  • Diploma in Accounting (2016)
  • Member of inaugural Wheatbelt Secondary Freight Network Steering Committee and working group that secured $187.5 million for Wheatbelt local government freight routes


Mrs Renee Lynch
Position: Committee Member

Qualification & Experience

  • Member Grain Growers National Policy Group
  • Member Narembeen District High School Board
  • Member Narembeen Volunteer Fire & Emergency Services Committee
  • Previous Member Cooperative Bulk Handling Growers Advisory Council
  • Previous Member Grain Industry of WA Careers in Grain Board
  • Managing Director of Emu Hill Pastoral mixed farming enterprise
  • Graduate of the Aust Institute of Company Directors (GAICD)
  • Fellow of the Aust Rural Leadership Foundation (FARLF)
  • Bachelor of Commerce and a Batchelor of Arts (BCom BA)

Mrs Mischa Stratford
Position: Committee Member

Qualification & Experience

  • Shire of Wyalkatchem Councillor
  • Chair of Senior Citizens Home Trust, Wyalkatchem
  • Secretary – Central East Accommodation and Care Alliance (CEACA)
  • Vice President and Secretary Wyalkatchem P & C